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Comparison Between Full and Broad-Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate

Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and Isolate are the 3 most popular types of CBD. Each type features a specific extraction method that causes it to contain or omit certain aspects of the hemp plant.

What is full spectrum CBD?

Full Spectrum CBD is the most pure, unprocessed, and unfiltered hemp extract which contains all of the hemp plant's beneficial nutrients: cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils.

This extract offers a holistic approach to CBD, containing the full range of hemp's cannabinoids (among other nutrients), including THC. However, the THC in full spectrum CBD will always be under .3%, too small of an amount to invoke a 'high' feeling.

Full spectrum CBD's wide variety of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes make it capable of the entourage effect; which describes the phenomenon of each element in the plant working together synergistically to provide maximum effect

What is broad spectrum CBD?

Broad spectrum CBD is the newest CBD extract on the block, bridging the gap between full spectrum and isolate CBD: it's processed like isolate, yet offers a wide array cannabinoids like full spectrum.

Broad spectrum CBD begins as a full spectrum extract with all of hemp's terpenes and cannabinoids intact, before it is sent through a refinement process to remove the THC compound.

Put simply, broad spectrum CBD is full-spectrum CBD, with the THC removed.

What is isolate CBD?

Some would call Isolate the purest form of CBD, which is true; but conversely, it's the most processed form of hemp and requires the highest doses of Isolate compared to the Broad-Spectrum CBD.

Isolate CBD is CBD isolated from all other parts of the hemp plant including terpenes, cannabinoids, and essential oils until there it is the only cannabinoid.

CBD devotees & experts alike agree that a CBD isolate will provide the benefits of CBD, but is missing the cannabinoids that make full spectrum & broad spectrum a potentially, more powerful approach.

Benefits of Broad-Spectrum CBD oil

No risk of psychoactive effects (a 'high' feeling)

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is the perfect CBD extract for those who want to experience all of CBD's beneficial cannabinoids, but might have a sensitivity to THC, or are worried about consuming small amounts due to career-related drug testing.

Features the entourage effect

Broad spectrum CBD is wonderful for those who want to experience the entourage effect. This therapeutic effect can only take place when the wide variety of cannabinoids within hemp are working together to maximize the most therapeutic benefits.

Note: The entourage effect takes place in both full-spectrum and Broad-Spectrum CBD, and does not take place in isolate CBD.

Processed, yet less processed than isolate CBD

In order to make broad spectrum CBD, THC-free, it has to undergo refinement and processing. However, while broad spectrum CBD is processed, it is still less processed than isolate CBD.

Enhances physical & mental well-being

If you're interested in CBD, it's likely that you're a fan of natural alternatives to support your well-being. Here's the best Broad-Spectrum CBD benefits to look forward to: helps to support physical and mental well-being, supports a normal inflammatory response, helps to relieve joint pain & stiffness, helps to maintain calmness.

What is the difference between Full and Broad-Spectrum CBD?

The main difference is that full spectrum extracts may contain trace amounts of THC (under 0.3%), while broad spectrum extracts have the THC completely removed.

Aside from this difference, broad spectrum hemp and full-spectrum hemp are very similar.

Both extracts feature hemp's wide array of cannabinoids, so they're equally capable of the entourage effect. Also, neither blend has the ability to invoke a 'high' feeling.

Is broad spectrum CBD right for you?

Broad spectrum CBD is best for:

  • Individuals who experience THC sensitivity
  • Individuals who are required to participate in work-related drug testing
  • Those living in states with strict laws against THC consumption
  • CBD beginners who are apprehensive to consume THC

Broad-spectrum is the right extract for you if still want to experience the full benefits of hemp and the entourage effect, but prefer to avoid any consumption of THC for either sensitivity or work-related reasons including avoidance of the psychoactive effects of THC. (“high” feeling)

The best Broad-Spectrum CBD oil

We've got the best Broad-Spectrum CBD oil; it's organic, non-GMO, CO2 extracted, and handcrafted by our team at LabNaturals, Inc in our on-site lab.

Broad Spectrum Products

CBD Isolate Products

Whole-plant preparation including Cannabinoids (CBD, CBN, CBG, etc.) and Terpenes - Preserves synergistic interactions between CBD and dozens of minorPhyto-cannabinoids and hundreds of non-cannabinoid plant compounds.

Pure CBD - Lacks Entourage Effect

No clinically relevant drug interactions

Changes in drug metabolism (CYP450) are usually seen with high doses of pure CBD isolates

Wider therapeutic potential

Narrower therapeutic windows

Lower doses needed for effect


Requires higher doses for effect

(100 – 1000mg/day)

No clinically relevant side effects

Side effects are significantly more common