November 19, 2020
Cannabis for Canines?
There is no doubt that over the last several years you’ve heard about medical marijuana, cannabis, or medicinal hemp, one of the most popular and fascinating revolutions occurring in health care…
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Showing only posts tagged with "Cannabis". (show all)
November 19, 2020
There is no doubt that over the last several years you’ve heard about medical marijuana, cannabis, or medicinal hemp, one of the most popular and fascinating revolutions occurring in health care…
May 5, 2020
The use of cannabis as medicine for animals has been getting a lot of attention in the medical, scientific, and pet owning communities. One of the potential uses showing the most promise is in the tre…
May 5, 2020
Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The prohibition of cannabis in the middle of the 20th century has arrested cannabis research. In recent years there is a growing d…
May 5, 2020
While cannabis is being legalized in more and more states, both the adverse and beneficial effects of its use are starting to be better understood. The active compound in cannabis, THC (tetrahydrocann…