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Progesterone Cream, USP

"I don't know what I would do without my topical progesterone hormone therapy. It has changed my life and the life of the people around me. I can't say enough, what a blessing it is to know that my health and well-being are being taken care of by people like you who have my best interest in mind. I tell everyone I know who is suffering from just about any symptom to please, please, please come and see you so that you can "balance" them..”

- J.A.

Plant-Based Progesterone Cream. Bioidentical hormone.

  • Used for hormonal balance in progesterone deficient/estrogen dominant women
  • Helps prevent water retention
  • Acts as a natural antidepressant
  • Can create a calming effect on the body
  • Promotes regular sleep patterns
  • May prevent overgrowth of the endometrial and breast tissues
  • Helps to maintain sex drive
  • May protect against fibrocystic breasts

Visit VHP Blog for more information on Progesterone, At-Home Test Kits, Hormone Balancing, and Consultation with our Holistic Clinical Pharmacist Susan M.

20clicks=90 doses


1. Understanding the use of progesterone and progesterone-like hormones. MenopauseRx Web site. Available at: http://www.menopauserx.com/library/surveyinfo-Progesterone.htm# background. Accessed February 7, 2007.

2. O’Connor V, Kovacs G, eds. Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Women’s Health. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; 2003.

3. Beers MH, Berkow R, eds. The Merck Manual. 17th ed. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories; 1999.

4. Bachmann GA, Simon JA, Sarrel PM. Considerations in managing your HRT patients. Contemp OB/GYN. 1997:34-47.

5. PROMETRIUM® [package insert]. Marietta, Ga: Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2004.

6. Role of progestogen in hormone therapy for postmenopausal women: position statement of the North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2003;10:113-132.